
Tag Archives: panel

NEW FEATURES: Web RDP and Instant Upgrades

We released two major updates today, in addition to a number of small enhancements. The focus of these upgrades was to improve the quality and efficiency of features in the Secure Client Panel. Instant, Fully Automatic Upgrades Upgrades are now fully automatic. New upgrade and downgrade orders are processed instantly after the order is submitted. Just […]

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The new Secure Client Panel is Live!

Today we completed an update to our Secure Client Panel. All Windows and Linux VPS users will now see a new and improved service management page. To access the new panel, log in to the Secure Client Panel and go to Services > Services Dashboard. After selecting one of your VPS instances, you will see the new […]

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RDNS (PTR) Automatic Management Now Available

We are pleased to announce that Reverse DNS (PTR) Record Management is now available in the Secure Client Panel. RDNS record management is completely automated, so you can create and update  PTR records for your IP addresses at any time. To add RDNS records, first log in to the Secure Client Panel at: You […]

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SSL Issue Fixed on

Greetings, We have resolved a small issue with, our VPS management interface, which had been causing SSL validation errors in some browsers. It should now be fully compatible in all browsers, without issuing warnings. There have also been some minor updates and bug fixes to the panel today, mostly cosmetic. We welcome you to contact […]

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